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Preventing Suicide Campaign

Statistics from World Health Organisation tell us that out of 195 countries, 191 experience the highest rate of suicide for men and boys. The ratios are shocking and can no longer be tolerated Split the Difference has 13 campaign areas, we know that these have a direct relationship with the suicide rates for men and boys. These facts are the biggest international red flag the world has ever seen, they are telling us that we are not caring for our men and boys. Some things are bigger than us, they demand that we honour the truth and act to make changes.  We believe in people, we believe it’s time to raise awareness, look for help, funding and start taking action to work preventatively at all levels of society. We need you to donate an hour of your time, one hour of your income will collectively allow us to build an international media campaign.  Bring in dedicated researchers, create a therapeutic, suicide prevention app and formulate a legal structure that can challenge the lack of inclusion in services for men and boys. Please take the time to follow us, share our work, join us, we all matter, we all make a difference.

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